Cancer serves as a prime example of a disease that arises from disturbances in cellular signaling mechanisms within the body. One specific issue can occur in autocrine signaling, where cancer cells may produce an excessive amount of their own growth hormones. This overproduction can lead to unchecked cell division, contributing to tumor growth and proliferation. In addition to these autocrine signaling issues, cancer cells often experience a range of other signaling dysfunctions. These abnormalities can affect various pathways, preventing the cells from behaving like normal, healthy cells and enabling the cancer to progress and spread throughout the body.
What disorders arise when cell signaling fails to function properly?
Ubaid Ali
Hi, I was a pioneer Fellow and current "Program Facilitator" of Skillistan and was a champion of NELIS, presenting the One Million Leadership Program (OMLAS). Delegate of Local conference 0f Youth (LCOY) 2024 Pakistan.
I am student at the Birmingham City university enrolled in masters of medical engineering application for Healthcare formerly part of International Islamic University Islamabad, enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology program.
I have completed various internships, including one in the Public Health and Quality Control Laboratory (QCL) Department at the National Institute of Health and another in the Probiotic Lab at NIGAB.
I have also participated in several training courses, including Public Health Training from the National Centre of Rural Development (NCRD), Mastering SDGs, and LinkedIn Training.
In my final-year project, I had fabricated automated photobioreactor that serves as a model for industries to aid in carbon dioxide mitigation, generating biofuels, and producing various products such as pharmaceutical antibiotics.
■ Involvements:
I am a Co-founder and Author at "bioinnnoverse,com" which is a platform that solves complex biology problems.
With that I also run "Infideography", a platform for creating content and graphic regarding information about science, technology, environment etc. I had created my first reel ON SDGs (sustainable development goals)
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